
Wednesday, July 08, 2015


If tears can bring back a lost love, ‎I bet you Yetunde 'bustline' Oduwole would have cried her estranged lover straight back into her arms with her effort. I have not seen a grown woman cry so passionately, not talk of crying over a man. I hear he is even a boy. Okay, focus is not on what transpired between them but on the video that has caught everyone's attention lately. 

As I gazed at my laptop screen, my mind kept pondering on the following thoughts. Was it wrong for her to cry out of the hurt she felt from being twisted by betrayal? Was her crying in front of the camera totally unnecessary or was it the fact that she was not properly dressed for the occasion. Was this man even worth crying for? 
Most times I never know what to say to people who have been heartbroken. I could tell them to cry and everything will be fine but I maybe be wrong. I could enjoin them to cheer up that the person who broke their hearts doesn't realize the treasure in them and perhaps be incorrect. Even if I ask them to strip naked in the market square at dawn and place a curse of their estranged lover, it may not be the best solution. Regardless of what they end up doing, it's often hard to watch the game of love reduce people to so much anguish.

Love always opens up your heart and allows people you choose to get inside you. And you can never tell whether they will stay in peace or leave you in pieces. ‎Nobody can truly be prepared for that moment when someone they truly cared about would find a place in another's heart. It's really hard not to cry considering the emotional torture that lies ahead.  

Crying is a medium by which the heart speaks when the lips can't express the pain it feels inside. ‎People cry for love not because they are weak, but because they have been strong for too long. Sometimes you just need to be alone and cry your heart out regardless of whether you will be judged by others. When you bottle up your emotions, you are creating impending problems for yourself.

What is wrong if the whole world sees you crying over a man like a baby? You don't want people to see you crying because you want to be perceived as very strong. The truth is that I am really fed up of this whole 'Iroko tree' outlook that we sometimes put up when it comes to love. And the next minute we feel bad when nobody notices how torn apart and broken we are. We spend our days smiling and our nights crying; looking so strong on the outside yet so weak inside. 

It is only normal for someone in pain to cry out whether in secret or openly. Love shouldn't be about hiding what you truly feel. ‎You can't be strong all the time. Sometimes you just have to let your emotions take over. 

Is anybody worth so much tears? When you have truly loved someone and they break your heart, you are always going to carry the hurt even when you are busy trying to love someone else. So why not wash them out of your heart with your tears and create enough room for the new person. 

Everyone should cry once in a while because it has a curing effect. But we must move on after the tears have dried up. You will feel strong again, maybe not as soon as you expect but surely.  


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