
Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Good sex depends on great communication. Sexual communication among couples is critical in order to achieve a positive sexual experience. Talking about sex during sex is good for sex. Hence, the focus of this post is to highlight the importance of communicating with your partner during sex and provide the necessary guidance for couples who probably find it perplexing.

1.    Good sex is a goal, and it only comes with a lot of work and communication. It will not be perfect all the time. So, learn to share your experience with your partner and be willing to try out their preferences too. It might seem strange at first but with a lot of repetition you will become better and hopefully enjoy the experience.

2.    A great sexual encounter requires adequate preparation. It is important for couples to plan ahead of time what they would be looking forward to during intercourse. This way, they are able to exchange vital information about their sexual preferences rather than discovering them by trial and error.

3.    Always have compassion for your partner. If they don’t live up to your sexual expectation, give them more time to catch up.

4.    The motivation should always be about improving your sex life and not just having an orgasm. An orgasm is great but don’t make your partner too anxious by focusing more on having an orgasm each time you are having sex.

5.    Know your partner’s sex buttons. During sexual intercourse, make a conscious note of actions that gives your partner great pleasure and be sensitive to their reactions.

6.    Always listen attentively to your partner when they tell you what turns them on. And always make sure you remember what they tell you because it’s not very pleasant if they have to go over it each time you have sex.

7.    Sex is not selfish, it requires team effort. During sex, we should not only take into consideration our feelings, needs and desires but those of our partners too. We must find out how they feel about our sexual preferences and must not force them into acts that they don’t find comfortable.

         8.    Let your hand do some of the work. Learn to guide your partner’s hand to the part of your body where you it more. Remember your partner is not a mind reader, so you can lead them through the parts that will take you to new sensual heights.  

9.    Be specific about your sexual needs rather than have your partner guessing. The more concise your wish, the more likely it is understood and followed to the letter. Let your partner know exactly where you want to be touched and for how long.

10.  Always ask open-ended questions because it gives room for your partner to respond conveniently. Be genuinely curious about their answers and don’t assuming you already have it figured out.

11.  Most partners want to feel encouraged and reassured. Always give positive feedback when your partner is doing something right and be careful how you communicate your feelings when they are doing the wrong things. Nurture them every step of the way and genuinely appreciate them when they amaze you.   

12.  Don’t always act like you are too experienced. Even with many years of sexual experience, you cannot tell how your partner will react to you unless you have been with them for some time. Give your partner the sense that you are both going through the journey of sexual discovery. That way, both you have a sense of belonging.

13.   Personalize your expression by using words like “I want you to touch me here” or “My body is yearning for your touch”. Talking about your sexual needs from a personal perspective will make your partner become more delicate and sensitive.

14.   Being honest to your partner is extremely important during sex. If you have experienced sexual trauma in the past or you have problems with erection or ejaculation; it is important that you communicate this to your partner as this may affect your sexual attitude.  Then you can talk about what kind of assistance he or she can offer to give you maximum sexual satisfaction.

15.  Focus on the future and what lies ahead rather than in the past which can never be made better. As your sexual communication improves, so will your entire relationship.


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