
Saturday, July 06, 2013


I have been extremely excited for a while now and I wish I can tell you why. But not to worry, I will fill you in maybe in another year or two at the appropriate time. Meanwhile, something equally interesting happened somewhere else which I will tell you immediately. Actually, the story I am about to tell you now is more important to you than the former, and this is how it goes.

A prominent golfer Chextah Woods was invited by the Sheikh of an oil-rich country to participate in this charity golf event. The golfer jumped at accepted the invite, and was flown in for the event in the Sheikh’s private jet. The event was very successful and the Sheikh had a good time with the golfer (ermmm….It’s not what you are thinking oh). So when it was time for the golfer to return, the Sheikh informed him that it was part of their bigz boyz custom to always give a parting gift to their guests.

The golfer declined the offer can you imagine informing the Sheikh that he had been a gracious host and that he has had a terrific time (still not what you think) hence he couldn’t ask for anything more. The Sheikh insisted on giving the golfer something that will make him remember his visit. When the golfer realized that the Sheikh was unwavering, he said, "Okay, fine. I am a collector of golf clubs. Just give me a nice golf club". The Sheikh agreed to make the golf club available the moment he got back home.

So the golfer boarded the Sheikh’s private jet and on his flight back home, he couldn't help wondering what kind of golf club the Sheikh might give him (based on his performance). He imagined that it might be solid gold or diamond studded (It’s oil-rich Sheikh we are talking about here).

When the golfer got back home, he kept expecting the moment his golf club will arrive. Finally, several weeks later, he received a certified letter from the Sheikh. The golfer thought that rather strange (Okay, maybe it’s what you have been thinking) and kept wondering where the golf club was. Then he opened the envelope (ghen! ghen!!), and to his astonishment (It was not what you thought), inside it was a deed to a five-hundred-acre golf course. Apparently, the Sheikh didn’t believe such a prominent golfer would only ask for a mere golf club. He assumed it must be an entire golf club. Oh lord let all the Sheikhs responsible for my breakthrough locate me….prayer!

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the truth. Much of your happiness in life depends on how you think God values you. Sadly, many of us have an erroneous idea of God's opinion of us. We base it on what we've been taught, our bad experiences in life, and many other assumptions. We may think God is frustrated in us or that we will never measure up. We may even believe God is angry with us because no matter how much we try, we can't seem to stop disappointing him.

It is very important to know how God sees you, what he thinks of you, and what his desires are for you. The fact is that until you recognize in your heart that God really does hold you in very high esteem, it's going to be difficult to believe his promises for you. You keep singing “I have a very big God oh, who is always by my side” yet you imagine that all he can do is to put food on the table and meet your petty desires. All because you have not realized that you hold the master key to the door of your life.

Until you realize that in the eyes of God you are valuable whether you have 100,000 followers on twitter or not, you will keep settling for less and accepting everything that people life throws at you. So this is the thing, you have to start seeing yourself through the eyes of God and reap the benefits of being his Paddy friend. But here is the twist, it's not enough to just lie down and assume you will get all you desire from God, you have to be willing to prove your mettle. Remember, the golfer got a golf club because the Sheikh had a good time.

And lastly, the day you start seeing yourself through God's eyes, people's negative views and opinions about you will not count or at best matter less’ simply because in the eyes of God, you have everything.

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