
Wednesday, September 24, 2014


When you look in the mirror every morning, what do you see? Is it a true reflection of who you really are or a far cry from your true self.

Our self image determines what we allow others to think about us. A good self image allows us to focus on our achievements and the compliments we get from people. This is not to be confused with conceit. Being egocentric and having self love are two different things.

Self worth is a personal evaluation of a person is truly valued. It has to do with the feeling of having a good opinion about your abilities and appreciating your character irrespective of what the world thinks. Your self worth affects your personality and the attraction of others towards you.

Self regard or Egocentricity on the other hand means confusing what we see and think with the reality. When under the influence of egocentricity, we think that the way we see things, is exactly the way things are. 

An individual's self worth attributes profoundly on the way they feel about themselves. For a person to genuinely feel worthy, they have to be secure and confident in what they can do. 

Egos is a disease that makes every body sick except the person that has got it. This disease manifests itself in our inability to take other people's ideas or facts into perspective, just because we do not want to be perceived as being wrong about anything. 

Self worth enables you to respect your wishes as well as the wishes of others. It means you can be proud of something you have or have accomplished without necessarily rubbing it off on others around you. It also means that you can gracefully accept your shortcomings while striving to work on them yourself. 

Egostistic people possess huge egos derive pleasure in being the centre of attraction. They always crave recognition with little or no concern for those around them. They also possess a lack of interest in consistency or clarity. 

If egocentricity is a disease, then self awareness is the cure. We need to become more aware of our tendencies to confuse our opinion about everything with the truth. Our belief in our rightness is difficult to correct if we ignore the faults in our thinking process. This makes us fail to notice when our behaviour contradicts our self image.

Evaluating yourself the right way also affords you the liberty not to be compelled to justify your actions to yourself and those around you. For instance, you have no compulsion to justify to anyone why you have to go abroad on vacation, wear designer clothes or have lunch at a five-star restaurant. It makes you feel comfortable doing the things that adds colour to your life.

Finally, you have to recognize that there is no such thing as "Superiority complex". When you genuinely appreciate your own worth, there is no need to tell the whole world how valuable you are. It is only a person who is no convinced of his or her own worth that goes about endlessly about how costly they are.

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