
Friday, March 28, 2014


Dear Lord, we all get a little lost here. The sweetened vulnerability of this love thing is petrifying. There are so many things I do not know about love. So many more I will love to know.

Today, teach me to love not just myself but the one who loves me. Teach me not just to love her in parts of her but in her perfect wholeness.

Teach me to love far beyond her physical and emotional limitations and know that I can love her completely and unconditionally. Let our love know no boundaries or seasons.

Just telling her "I love you" is not enough. Teach me to always go beyond the words. Let those feeble trifles which others see as enjoyment, be nothing to me but broken parts.

Teach me to love, teach me to be like you. Give me your heart that is full of love or I will continuously fail at this journey. Make my heart gentle and my spirit strong.

Teach my heart to love even when selfish desires in layers of lust are masquerading as true love. Help me to pay attention to those little things that matters most.

Bestow me with the honour of understanding the story behind every scar and redemption. Help me to feel her sadness and seek nothing but her greatest joy. Teach me to question her value less and love her for what she’s worth.

Teach me to love her regardless of whatever she does, good or evil. Let me see what she does and not only what she doesn’t. Teach me how to sacrifice for her, listen to her concerns and be sensitive to her needs.

If I ever get tired of loving her, remind me of how unhappy I was all the times I loved selfishly. Reduce me to love to the point where it’s impossible for me to be self-absorbed.

Teach me to take care of her in a way that she hasn’t known before. Teach me to put my hand in hers as we walk softly on this faithful voyage. No matter how long I live, may I never stop loving her.


Anonymous said...

Cool article. Well spoken.

Promise Adaku said...

So full of rationality. I wish every man would always have this in mind.