
Wednesday, February 03, 2016


Let us take a moment today to remember your first love.

The first love that split you open and made you blossom. The one that carefully unwrapped the secret desires that were buried inside of you and stayed with you until your heart found a home.

He was like your safe, where you hid all your treasures because you thought he would love you forever.‎

You laughed at all his jokes and made him feel like the funniest man in the world. It didn’t matter to you if anyone else found him hilarious.

He taught you that love was not just about having butterflies in your stomach and falling head over heels. But about understanding and sacrifice.‎ He taught you that hugs were better than kisses and roses were better than chocolates.

The first love that led you to happiness and loneliness and to new beginnings and goodbyes.

You thought you were on the same page but it turned out you were not even reading from the same book. You could have chosen any of the boys but you chose him because he was coated in sugar and you had a sweet tooth.

He promised that he will never leave and you believed him until you saw him kissing another girl under the same tree that you used to meet.‎

You didn’t see yourself loving anyone the way you loved him. So you decided not to fight for his love because it will be too hard. But you secretly wished to God that he would walk right into your arms.

He took everything and left you with nothing. You still tell your friends that he loves you but why do you keep weeping? ‎Because you still care about him and wish he does too, even if it’s a little.

Your father used to say “A man is lucky if he is the first love of a woman. A woman is lucky if she is the last love of a man”. Now you know why.

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