
Wednesday, October 15, 2014


You are going to do so many foolish things in the name of love, but don’t be too hard on yourself.

Fall in love with yourself first. So that it will be easy for you to fall in love with someone else.

It takes the same capacity to fall in love as it will take to be alone. If you are capable of falling in love, it also means you are capable of being on your own.

Never go in search of love because you won’t find it. Love is never lost; we are the ones who always seem lost.

If you truly want to be respected by people you love, you must prove to them that you can survive without them.

Don't struggle to make them notice your presence. Just make sure your absence will be felt tremendously.

When you decide to fall in love, fall with all your heart. And if you decide to be alone, love yourself with all your heart. Everyone can be happy or sad, whether in love or out of love.

Loving someone doesn't mean they would love you back. And that someone loves you is not enough reason for you to love them in return.

Don’t expect someone to love you with all of their heart when you still busy spreading your love to other people.

That your feelings towards someone is extremely strong doesn't always mean you should follow through with your feelings. Love is too deep for mere feelings.

Be careful who you invite into your heart. Be more careful who you invite into your soul. There is a reason why you can have many lovers but just one soul mate.

For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.

There really are places in the heart you don’t even know exists until you love with all your heart.

Make sure you meet the requirements of others just as you want them to meet your own requirements. If you want a God fearing man, you must be a virtuous woman.

If you keep looking for the perfect person, the right person will pass you by. And the right person is never perfect.

There is no way to be totally sure about someone. So you are left with just a choice. To either hope for the best or expect the worst. And expecting the worst never leaves you disappointed.

Spend your time to make yourself worthy rather than spending your time looking for someone who is worth it.

Most times the people who want everything from love are actually the ones who do not have anything to offer in return.

There are all kinds of hearts in this world. Find the one that is powerful enough to drown you yet soft enough to cleanse you.

Stop pouring so much of yourself into hearts that have no room to accommodate your worth.

You do not bring the ocean to a river. Find a heart that can take all of you and still ask for more.

Let love fill you until you become so full of love that even when people try to quench your love they will be overwhelmed by how deep it is.

Don’t ever lose yourself, in order to find someone that doesn’t have the courtesy to always remind you of your worth.

When you start seeing your true worth you will find it more difficult to stay with someone who doesn’t value your love.

Nobody else has the same ability to make you as happy as you would have made yourself. Never let your happiness depend on someone you may lose.

The more chances you give to people to make you happy, the more likely they will take you for granted. Because they know that your happiness depends on them.

When you give someone the power to raise you up, you also bestow on them the power to bring you down.

Whether you are raised up or brought down, valued or taken for granted, never fix yourself by breaking someone else. Breaking someone’s heart doesn’t restore yours.

It’s always sad when a good relationship comes an end. But a good relationship ends, so that the best relationship can begin.

When your heart asks you to give something up, it is not trying to take something away. It is trying to give you something better.

Just as you were born with the weakness to fall in love, so were you also born with the strength to move on when your love is taken for granted?

When someone you love says goodbye you can stare long at the door they closed and forget to see all the doors God has opened in front of you.

Never change to make yourself easy for someone to love. If love comes, open up your heart and let it in. If love wants to go, let it go.

Stay away from people who make you feel like you are too hard to love. Someone who is meant to love you will love you & someone who are meant to go will go.

If you have to convince someone to stay with you, then they have already left you. It's just a matter of time and you will realize that you have always been alone.

Our hearts are often broken when we fight to keep a love that doesn't want to stay. Don't let love break its way out of your heart, let it go quietly the same way it came.

Not every love that comes to you will wait for you. Some will eventually move on to hearts where they will be treasured.

Take time to appreciate those who love you, or else time will teach you to treasure their memories.

Love people for whom they are and not for what you can get from them. We all need someone that will love us just the way we are.

Don’t give up on someone that makes you smile, the things you always pray for and the people you love.

Pray for the ones you love. Appreciate those who love you. Forgive those who hurt you. Forget those who leave you.

In the end it is not about the choice you make. What matters most is how much you loved and how gracefully you let go of the people that were not meant for you.

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