
Wednesday, April 15, 2015


"It's a hopeless write up. Have you been doing weed?" That was the reaction I got when I first told a friend about this post. He is someone I respect, so I wanted to gauge his opinion before I go public with a post that most would deem controversial. I have been thinking of a way around this for the last three months but I can't hold this anymore. So with my bulletproof jacket well fitted, ladies and gentlemen I present to you "The hopelessness of hope".

Now in case some of you are wondering, am I really high? Yes, a little. On weed? Absolutely not. So why would anyone think of writing a post trying to relate hope with hopelessness? Don't get me wrong, you cannot possibly deny the fact that hope is one of the most powerful attributes any man can possess. It is the most powerful human motivation I know.
There are some who have probably tried everything they possibly can and yet there is no breakthrough, this post is not for you. All I can say to you for now is "Don't give up". If you are one of those who still believe that you can become successful by just hoping on the stars, we need to talk.

According to Wikipedia, hope is a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. It is an optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one's life. To hope is to expect with confidence and to cherish a desire with anticipation. Hope is also the belief that circumstances in the future will be better, regardless of what you are faced with in the present. Hopelessness is when it becomes impossible for us to find that hope. It comes naturally when our expectations are not constantly met.

Sadly, hope is not a winning strategy. We are often tempted by the illusion that when we hope fervently, success will follow inevitably. This perception of hope only reduces us to a point where we eventually become hopeless. You don't have to bank on just hope to determine your destiny. If you want something in life, get up and work for it. Match your every hope with commiserate effort as this is the surest approach to winning.

Don't just sit down and keep hoping that somehow the future will fall into place without you planning or strategizing. The false impression that the dependence on hope creates, leaves a huge vacuum that reality painfully fills. Always make sure your hands are never weak because the harder you work the luckier you become.

It goes beyond your spiritual values or status. The bible in James 2:17 states clearly "Faith without works, is dead". So, hope without effort can amount to hopelessness. It is also important to know where to draw the line between optimism and laziness. Don't be locked up in a situation where hope takes full control of your destiny and surrenders you to a life of circumstance.

Every single venture that you aspire to identify with today was driven by people who refused to rely on just hope. You have to be Innovative enough and refuse to see reason why good things should happen to you effortlessly. Instead of waiting for opportunities, create your own opportunity. Here's to you finding the courage to work towards achieving all that you have ever hoped for in life.


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