
Friday, April 03, 2015


What you allow to get into you will surely affect your thought process and eventually your mindset. When you listen to songs with foul lyrics or convey inappropriate messages, it will negatively affect your thinking and certainly corrupt your mind. When your mind becomes corrupt, it negatively transforms your  personality and slowly destroys you.

Everyday, Nigerian musicians reel out songs intended for the entertainment pleasure of their fans across the country. But unfortunately the quality of what they come up with is so poisonous that one day it will eventually kill us.

How do you realize that you have been poisoned by Nigerian music? When it gives you that urge to do evil or when it makes you feel completely twisted. Music is meant to lift you up and not to put you or anyone around you down. So if by listening to a Nigerian song you feel otherwise, then you are a victim of poisoned music.
They say music is the food for the soul. So imagine what happens when your soul consumes very badly cooked music daily. You might think this sounds harsh but tell yourself the truth, how do you feel after you have endured the torment of ill-conceived lyrics and unpalatable beats in the name of music. Don't you feel really sick to the stomach? If you are in denial, then you are part of the problem.

Music can be a powerful tool for social transformation. In those days music was a catalyst in the fight for the liberation of the common Nigerian. These days all we have are songs that promote ill-gotten wealth and ridicule women, stimulate rape, instigate armed robbery, support violence, encourage stupidity and other social vices directly or indirectly. So if we collectively encourage our musicians to destroy our society with cancerous music, what will become of our children?  

Music is an art that is exclusively reserved for creative minded people. You have no business doing music if your stomach is your motivation because you will end up killing people with your music. One question I keep asking myself is "how did we degenerate to this very low standard?". ‎What happened to all the talent that Nigeria boasted of in the past. Men and women who were unarguably talented and used their music to inspire millions.

Some artistes who start out by creating good music are forced to join the bandwagon simply because Nigeria is a country that rewards mediocrity. We need to develop a culture of demanding only the best from our artistes or gradually die from the effect of their hazardous music. O
ur artistes should be forced to either make great music or go back to careers where they would best add value to humanity.


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